Thursday, July 05, 2007

Far beyond where the horizon lies....

The horizon has always fascinated me. It is a place that we can so easily comprehend, yet never define. We can easily visualize it, but can not codify it. What is the "horizon?" Where earth and sky meet? That is not a location, but a definition...not useful in navigation at all is it?

I've come to a conclusion that answers must have in them a navigable component. To simply define is worthless anymore. When I ask where the church is, it does me no good to describe to me its stained glass windows or steeple (if it even has one these days) or anything else shy of where it is. With out an element of navigation in an answer, one is forever in danger of not making it on time, to borrow a phrase.

I grow ever so weary of platitudinal answers. When faced with the hard questions, everything, for the simple, returns to faith and trust and obedience. I say for the simple primarily because that has been my experience in life. The simple wait, the wise act. I know it has now become very trendy to be wise by being "silent" or "patient." I am constantly assailed with comments about these so called "wise" people who never speak in meetings unless spoken to, the "sages" who take a long time to measure our their words in response to challenging questions....let me ask you this....has it occured to anyone else that maybe... they're just quiet and dumb? If silence and delayed response is a sign of wisdom and stature, we should have never left the telegraph behind.

Christ himself spoke often, on all things, and was quick with a response. We are not to be silent. We are not to be slow to respond but rather be the first in the arena and the last out, having vanquished the opposition. Faith without works is dead, my brethren and the state of the Body these days is on, if nothing else, a healthy dose of life support.

Left then in a quandry, I am. Not being able to direct anyone to the horizon, I am also unable to define it. It is an unreachable is undefineable in socratic terms and it is, at times, the most beautiful place I've seen as it is the furthest point defineable from where I am. Even if only vaguely...

Exodus 33:!7