Friday, November 03, 2006

Catharsis concerning "Audience"

"Roses are red. Violets are blue. These are things we have known since infancy. It isn’t until we age a little that we learn about pink roses and white roses and hybrid violets. Our simplistic childhood view of absolute pigmented truth is thrown into upheaval as we are faced with shades of red and blue that often leave us unsatisfied in their lack of nominal definition.

What color is “Sea Foam Green?” You have a vague notion…that it is a “whitish-greenish pastel”…but you can’t nail it down. “Green” however is easily definable as a wavelength of pure light or a primary pigment. It is easy, simple, and honest. It resonates with our souls on a basic level. Green is grass. We get it.

As life continues, ease, simplicity, and honesty fade on the horizon in the rear-view mirror of the vehicle of our lives. For whatever reason, we no longer cherish those simple, easy, and honest truths as we once did. All must be more complex. We use words like “holistic unity,” “deconstruction,” and “anathema” in an attempt to feel “authentic.”

We add layers and layers of pseudo-intellectual complication until we are no longer “red,” but “fuchsia.” We vaguely resemble that which we once were – we even recognize shades of the original hue in the newer development; but can’t seem to place what else there is in it that has changed the entire make-up. We do this, all the while never realizing that, in the end, there was really nothing wrong with red in the first place.

As you watch tonight, see yourself watch yourself. Through the comedy, see the reality. Understand who and why you are. Believe… that, as an audience member, you are represented on stage. Color yourself beautiful. Think not of the play, but of yourself. For ultimately, what you think of the play is irrelevant. I thought it was a musical."

Tonight's show was good. It was really good.


Blogger dyrector said...

Glad to hear it went well. I'll be in touch about tickets for next week.

Regarding your last convoluted comments on my Xanga ... I never thought you were directing your "DtT" blog at anyone particular, though maybe precipitated by a recent event. It just seemed that I "resembled that remark" and wanted to add a couple of thoughts.

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dissatisfaction with nominal definitions is a good way to summarize my general frustration with life. How are the aspects of self are interrelated? How do I relate my experiences with those of other people? How is objective spirituality ,or truth, explained? What is there to describe what I am moving towards in my spiritual journey (which is complete self actualization – the most real me)? In becoming more real (and consequently, more complex), I lose those absolutes that are so simple and human and inadequate. Those are safe and non-controversial ... but we realize that they are only half-truths and we try to move towards the fuller truth, only to become more frustrated and less satisfied. Maybe there really isn't anything wrong with red ... but there must be something more right....

While "pseudo-intellectual complications" really do turn us into hints of our former selves, these things I speak of are not the "pseudo-intellectual complications", but the realities that persist in the absence or presence of our awareness of them .... and we can choose to seek them out in nominal terms or not. Maybe in those attempts we are pseudo-intellectual; and we confuse ourselves because we are really still the child who really only knows that "Roses are red. Violets are blue." Maybe the pink roses and the hybrid violets are the reality that we are not yet ready to evolve to ... and that's what time - or eternity - is for. Maybe.

8:00 PM  

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