Saturday, December 02, 2006

"My heart knows, and I weep..."

Love is not an emotion.

Love is an action chosen, not an emotion felt. It is neither fleeting nor flimsy. It is the highest, most lofty of aspirations. It connects those who experience it on a level that transcends any other human transaction. To love someone is singularly the most painful, difficult, honorable, and rewarding thing you can ever do for another person.

If it was an emotion, it couldn't be commanded. Love your neighbor as yourself. It rings hollow if it is simply a feeling.

And those whom we love... do they know it? And even more than they know how hard it is for us sometimes...and do they know that deep our darkest heart of hearts...sometimes....we wish we didn't.. so our heart wouldn't hurt for them?

People come and go in the maelstrom that is my life. There are people in my life for whom I would go to war. They sit on a shelf of importance hung only a little below God and to speak. They are the people who define who it is that I am and how it is that I am to be remembered. For them and with them will I uproariously laugh and bitterly cry. For them would I end, so that they may begin.

Tonight...alone in the dark, I added another person to that shelf....and I wept. I wept at the pain from the heart of God. I wept at the beauty of the love of God and I wept as a sense of utter unworthiness and inablility washed over me as my Father in Heaven told me to love his broken child. Sanctification is tough sometimes.

What you don't read in the thirteenth verse of Corinthians is that love will make you vomit. Love will keep you up nights. Love will make you want to hate. Love will make you pronounce it through gritted teeth. But it will also hold you when you are weak. Prop you up when you fall. Spur you on when you lag behind and embrace you when you are lonely. It encompasses every area of our psycho-spiritual being...and because of that, takes the most of our efforts.


Get some.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, i know. i feel as if you are just now learning- or, at least, only just now wrapping in your voice- these things that i have known for a long lonely time. but that would not be fair of me to think, because how could i presume such a thing? i couldn't, so i won't. somehow, hearing it from you, even though it is regarding something completely unknown to me, makes me feel strangely validated. does that make sense? sorry for making minimal sense.

12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i copied you. i might rethink it in the morning though, so take advantage of my inner thoughts.

1:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you say is true. Ironically, I would have said what Julie said ... although, I cannot say with certainty that I feel that way... so now, maybe unsatisfyingly, you are left with fragments of "minimal sense"...
-Diana (or Denny... whichever)

7:05 PM  

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