Tuesday, December 19, 2006

What Child Is This?

I love the progressional awareness of this hymn.

The first stanza asks the titular question followed by the realization that this enfant is Christ, the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Note that the shepherds are guarding the Shepard. I find some comfort in knowing that Christ was in need of protection as a child.

But this protection was to vanish. Nails, spear shall pierce him through, the cross be borne for me, for you. The second realization was that this child was to die...a horrible death. While I don't think that those present were aware of this at the time, Mr. Dix certainly was. Imagine looking at a new born child and knowing the humiliation and ridicule and ultimate death that awaited the child. What should be our reaction to such joy tempered by such eventual sorrow?

So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh. Raise a song on high as the virgin sings her lullaby. Hail Hail the Word made flesh, the babe, the son of Mary. While I did mix the verses together, I did not, I don't think, mix the message. Our reaction to the Nativity should be one of unmitigated adulation! Even with a view to Christ's Passion, we are to be celebratory in the cattle stalls because of what we know will happen at Golgotha.

That the man who changed the face of human history would be born in such a fashion is a testament to divine condescension. Be not mistaken; however, for in her arms in the swaddling clothes rested the Lion of Judah. Good Christians, fear, for sinners here, the silent Word is pleading. For both in his state of exaltation and humiliation is Christ simultaneously our Prophet, Priest, and King....and a wonderful one at that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I smiled because you wrote enfant instead of infant.

Funny, you typed what I tried to express at the concert. Cool stuff, hendri.

10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should have, you absolutely should have. but please don't feel bad. but next time you think about it, please do, please, don't hesitate at all. thank you for not forgetting.

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're a deep dude. did you know that?

but insightful. which i enjoy and appreciate thouroughly.

10:46 PM  

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