Saturday, February 03, 2007

On Humility and Service...

I am humble.

Realizing the inherent, apparent contradiction in that statement, let me take the time to unpack it.

I am rarely wrong about things. I say this not to pat myself on the back, but more often than not, God grants me tremendous insight and gives me a gift of discernment that is rarely off the mark. I am confident of these revelations and support them with all that I am, knowing they come from God. People misconstrue this as arrongance. Not realizing that I am just a conduit in a much greater transaction, I wish deeply that people would stop looking at the pianist and be immersed in the music.

I have done my best to do my duty, to God and my country, to obey the scout law, and to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight....and while I feel Sir Baden Powell may be somewhat pleased with me, I know that my Father in Heaven is even more pleased with me. I am truely one in whom He is well pleased...and I know all of this not because of anything I have done to merit the pleasure but because of what Christ has done to merit my release.

I am bold, forthright, and assured - embued with a spirit of authority and not timidity precisely because I am humble....and as a necessary result...I am also humbled. But... I want to be right because I am right, not because God has given me a right vision. I, and I alone want to be right. I want to stand in the face of the Almighty and scream triumphantly that I am right! I do have a right to be angry and weary and how dare you tell me otherwise! I am through! Do you hear me? I have done my time, done my duty, and obeyed your law....I want to be released!

In the maelstrom that is the breath of God, I want to lean in, buffeted by the fury, fists clenched in defiance, raised in the air and for all that I am worth roar at him that I and I alone know what is best for me!

I want to conquer God....I want to be right....because I want to think that I am.... I and I alone.


If I truely believe that my life is not my own...then, I can never be right, alone, and am, therefore, it is in the tender, sustaining fury of the love of Abba Yahweh that I am humbled - and made right.


Embrace it.


Blogger Megan Strange: said...

Hendrix...thank you for the reminder that this is a process. God isn't done with us. The harder the journey gets, the more exciting it is to see what God has in store for us. Thank you for interceding this week.

Serving God is the most awesome, wonderful, terrible, terrifying, confusing, exhilarating ride. There is no place in the world I'd rather be than right here doing what we are doing!

4:52 PM  

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